Monday, December 14, 2015

December 14-18 Homework Schedule

Monday December 14
1. Spelling- 3 times each
2. Grammar- worksheet
3. Math- worksheet
* Please check with your child/ their planner for any Quran/ Turkish homework.

Tuesday December 15
1. Grammar- worksheet
2. Math- worksheet
3. Reading- worksheet
* Please check with your child/ their planner for any Arabic/ Turkish/ Islamic Studies homework.

Wednesday December 16
1. Reading- worksheet
2. Grammar- worksheet
3. Math- pages 75 and 76
* Please check with your child/ their planner for any Arabic/ Turkish/ Islamic Studies homework.

Thursday December 17
1. Spelling- study spelling AND vocabulary words for test tomorrow
2. Grammar- study for test tomorrow
3. Math- pages
4. Social Studies- worksheet

5. Science- worksheet
* Please check with your child/ their planner for any Arabic homework.

Friday December 18
1. Writing- journal entry
* Please check with your child/ their planner for any Islamic Studies homework.

The teacher holds the right to make changes to the homework schedule. Students will be told in advanced if any changes will be made. Check back here for updates.

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