Sunday, June 26, 2016

Thank You

Thank you to all my students from the bottom of my heart for everything this year; making me smile and laugh, helping me learn more about teaching and students, the cards and gifts, and all the good memories. You made my first year teaching at MA special. I will always remember you 4 as my first class as a "real" teacher! I truly enjoyed coming to work everyday and teaching you all. May Allah bless you all and your families with long happy and healthy lives and reward you with Jannahtul Firdaws for your hard work these past 10 months. (Please keep me in your dau'as!) Also, you can always come back to this blog years from now and remember 3rd grade with me :p

Making cards for teachers

Adding the last piece to the puzzle

Patiently waiting for everyone to arrive!

Aisha using her magic "tool" to pop this balloon

I don't know what pose this is :p

Why are they pointing at me?!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Social Studies Chapter 6 Study Guide

wagon trains

Key Concepts
1. What was the fastest way to travel across the country in 1869?
2. Who invented the telephone?
3. What did landowners do with the money they received from toll roads?
4. Which explorer worked to widen the Cumberland Gap and to allow wagons to travel through the mountains to the American frontier?
5. What role did Mary McLeod Bethune have in the fight for equal education for everyone?
6. What did Orville and Wilbur Wright start building in the early 1900s?
7. Harsh weather, sickness, and steep mountains were difficulties MOSTLY faced by people traveling in _____________________
8. The Pony Express was a faster system for carrying _________________ that involved riders changing horses while traveling across the country.
9. How did the first radio signals travel?
10. Explain how Henry Ford’s assembly line worked, and how it affected car prices.
11. What did both Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman fight against? Name 1 thing each person did.
12. How did Sacajawea help Lewis and Clark as they explored the West?
13. What are 2 reasons why people move, or immigrate, to a new land?
14. What event brought so many immigrants from China to the USA that it eventually led to the Chinese Exclusion Act?
15. In 1860, people set up _________________ to improve the way letters were carried across America.
16. What is John Roebling’s best known contribution to New York City?
17. When thousands of European and Asian immigrants came to the USA in the early 1800s, where did they MOSTLY settle?
18. What is the fastest way to send a written message today?
19. What tool that we have today sends and receives signals for radios, televisions, cell phones, and computers?
20. People in the early 1800s wanted to improve transportation of goods and people between the Great Lakes and New York City, so they built ____________
21. What kind of car did Henry Ford want to build?
22. Today, new and more powerful airplanes allow people to travel across the country in 6 ________
23. What did the Federal Aid Highway Act of 1965 supply money to build?
24. What was the MOST COMMON way European immigrants arrived in NY in the early 1800s?
25. How did Thomas Edison’s invention of the light bulb change the way people lived?
26. What details did Lewis and Clark tell people about when they returned from exploring the West? What was the effect of telling people these stories?
27. What was the main goal of the Homestead Act?
28. What idea did Edward Jenner use to fight smallpox in 1796? How was it successful?
29. How did the transcontinental railroad improve travel in the 1800s?

Sunday, June 12, 2016

June 13-17 Homework

Monday, June 13
1. Math- finish classwork, test on Thursday
2. Social Studies- finish classwork, test on Thursday
3. Science- lesson 3 worksheet, test on Friday

Tuesday, June 14
1. Math- homework page
2. Social Studies- finish classwork

Wednesday, June 15
1. Math- worksheet, test tomorrow
2. Science- lesson 4 worksheet
3. Social Studies- study for test tomorrow

Thursday, June 16
1. Science- study for test tomorrow

Friday, June 17

June 13-17 Tests

Thursday, June 16
1. Math test on measurement
2. Social Studies chapter 6 test

Friday, June 17
1. Science chapter 7 test

These will be the last tests for the year!

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Random Fun Pictures

Below are pictures that didn't make it into any album of pictures from school events or trips, but I still wanted to share these, so here they are! Parents are free to share/ print any pictures from this blog :) More pictures will be added inshAllah. Click the pictures to make them bigger.

Learning to make origami butterflies on someone's 9th birthday

Reenacting the American Revolutionary War

Because someone HAD to put this stuff on her face :p

For someone in Russia

Playing an Earth Day balloon game

Because someone had to have a picture inside the box :p

Racing to find facts on minerals and rocks

Making our own cherry blossom trees in art

Time to ice cream PARTY!

Enjoying ourselves at the graduation selfie station

June 6-10 Homework

Monday, June 6
1. Math- finish classwork
2. Social Studies- finish classwork
3. Reading- read 20 minutes and log it
* Please check with your child for any Quran homework.

Tuesday, June 7
1. Math- finish classwork
2. Science- lesson 1 worksheet

3. Reading- read 20 minutes and log it
* Please check with your child for any Arabic/ Turkish/ Islamic Studies homework.

Wednesday, June 8

1. Math- finish classwork
2. Science- lesson 2 worksheet
3. Reading- read 20 minutes and log it
* Please check with your child for any Arabic/ Turkish/ Islamic Studies homework.

Thursday, June 9

1. Math- finish classwork
2. Social Studies- finish classwork
3. Reading- read 20 minutes and log it
* Please check with your child for any Arabic homework. 

Friday, June 10

1. Writing- journal
* Please check with your child for any Quran/ Islamic Studies homework.

The teacher holds the right to make changes to the homework schedule. Students will be told in advanced if any changes will be made.

June 6-10 Tests

There will be NO tests this week :)

Because it is Ramadan and my students have taken enough ELA tests for the 4th marking period, there will be no more comprehension, spelling/vocabulary, or grammar tests! However, we will still be reading and reviewing vocabulary and grammar in class.